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Campground sits just above Big
Lake and has most of the amenities you would want out of
a campground. Just outside the entrance to the campground
is a visitors center, a dump station and a shower facility
that offers hot showers. Just around the corner from the
campground is a country store that has a nice selection
of camping needs, including boat rentals. For boat rentals
call 928-521-1387. Store hours are as follows; weekend:6:00 am-6:00 pm,
all other days 8:00 am-5:00 pm. Activities in the Big Lake
Recreation Area include fishing, boating, horseback riding,
hiking, mountain biking and wildlife viewing.
A boat ramps are available near Brookchar Campground and
lake is regularly stocked with rainbow trout and without
a doubt, you can catch some big fish here. Check out the
numerous photos at the store for proof.
far from Big Lake is both the Lee Valley Recreation Area
and the East Fork Recreation Area. At Lee Valley, there
are great hiking and horseback trails leading up the mountain.
At the East Fork, the stream fishing really doesn't get
much better in Arizona. For more information check out the
visitor center at Big Lake.
Here is the link for the Big Lake Tackle and Supply located on the lake for information about boat rentals.

Rainbow Campsite 360 Degree Panoramas
Click Here for Rainbow Campsite Panoramas

Springerville travel west 5 miles to the Big Lake turnoff
(AZ261). Travel up the mountain 18 miles to FR 113 and turn
left. Travel 2 miles to the Big Lake entrance (FR115) and
turn right. The campground is 1 mile ahead.
Overall Rating
Available Amenities
Campsite Spacing
1- Tight 5- Spreadout
Camp Host
Good for Kids
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