Frequently Asked Questions
- Are you going to be full this weekend?
I've been getting this one quite a bit lately and the answer is "I have no idea" Camp Arizona does not own or operate any campgorund in Arizona. This I can say, campgrounds fill up on the weekends as soon as the weather gets warm down in Phoenix. When school is out, most campgrounds will most likely be full or very close to it by Friday evening. More popular campgrounds like the ones up in Oak Creek, Prescott, Woods Canyon Lake (the whole area), and Pretty much anywhere on the rim are going to fill up by Friday evening. On busy 3 day weekends, expect them to fill up by Thursday afternoon. I wish I had a better way to fill you in about this, but I don't.
- Can you tell me if there is availability when I plan on going camping?
Ok, this is the single most asked question that I get. and the answer is no, off the top of my head, I don't know if there is availability. To find out if there is availability at any of the the campgrounds that take reservations, look for the icon below and click it. (If you can't find this icon on the campground page that you want to go to, then that campground doesn't take reservations or I have yet to update the information.)

clicking the icon above will take you to the company (Reserve America) that takes reservations. Once there, click on the tab "date range availability" that looks like this.

Then use a little common sense to navigate the page to find the campsite that fits your needs.
- Can you send me all of the information about all of the campgrounds that you have?
Yep, I sure can and you are looking at it, everything is online. I don't have anything on hard copy. Feel free to print out a whatever information and take it with you.
- Can you tell me what campsite is the best at a campground?
I have been to many of the campgrounds on but not all of them. Everybody's needs are different. It would be hard for me to try to guess what you might like in a campsite. Recently, I have gone around to many of the most popular campgrounds and taken full 360 degree panoramas of most of the campsites, so you can check out if you are close to a restroom, whether or not the campsite has a table and grill, how much parking space there is etc. Check out our 360 campground panoramas.
- Are dogs allowed at the campground?
Yes, as far as I know, dogs are allowed at all of the campgrounds. There are some rules though.
- Pets must be restrained or on a leash at all times while in developed recreation areas.
- Pets (except guide dogs) are not allowed in swimming areas or sanitary facilities.
- Saddle or pack animals are only allowed where authorized by posted instructions.
- There is no limit on how many dogs you can bring, but use common sense and I'm sure that if you can't handle your dog(s) or if they are loud during the quite hours, the hosts might ask you to leave the campground.
- How do I make a reservation at one of the campgrounds on Camp Arizona?
See the above question about availability then just complete the reservation. Camp Arizona does not own or operate any campground in Arizona nor do we take reservations for any campground. We only provide a link to the company that does take reservations. If you need to cancel a reservation, pleasse contact the company that you made the reservation with, usually or
- How much does it cost to camp at a specific campground?
I don't post fees for a few reasons. Fees vary campground to campground and some campgrounds charge a camp unit fee. For a campground that charges the "Camp unit" fee, the full night fee applies to each camp unit in a campsite. To find out what a camp unit is, check this link from the Forest Service. Another way to find out what the fees are, follow the instructions above in the question about Availability and on that page there will be a "fees and cancellation" link. click that to find out what the fees are. If you are looking for a ballpark number, most campgrounds charge about $16 to $24 per night.
- Do I need to bring firewood or do they have it at the campground?
Generally, most campgrounds that have hosts have firewood for sale. That is not always the case though. I try to post the most accurate info on whether or not there is firewood at a campground for sale.
- When do the campgrounds open/close for the season?
On Camp Arizona, I post Forest Service opening and closing dates. Most of the time those dates are weather dependant. Sometimes campgrounds open before the time I have posted and sometimes later. The best way to find out is to call that campgrounds Forest Service Ranger District and ask them.
- What is the weather going to be like?
I haven't the slightest idea, go to to figure that out. There should be a weather snippet on each campground page that shows the approximate weather somewhere near the campground. If there isn't a weather snippet, please e-mail us and let me know so we can add it. email us at
- Are there any horse/equestrian campgrounds?
There are a few horse/equestrian campgrounds around Arizona. Here are a few:
Payson Region - Houston Mesa
Payson Region - FR9350
Roosevelt Lake Area - Frasier
White Mountains Region - Gabaldon
White Mountains Region - Strayhorse
Prescott Area - Groom Creek
Camp Verde - Dead Horse Ranch State Park
Cave Creek - Cave Creek Regional Park
Always check with the National Forest before you head out for fire restrictions. Failure to respect a fire restriction can result in heavy fines or jail time. See our fire information page for links to each of the national forests websites. Always ask your camp host if fires are allowed during the hot summer months.